Gravity Falls Fanart Gravity Falls Age Progression Deviant Art
Okay. [Cracks knuckles] Allow's get downward to business concern.
Beginning off, Stan'southward wiki page says he'south lxxx years one-time.

Co-ordinate to what, exactly? Well, let's accept a wait.

Yes, so.. he'due south eighty, duh. Correct? Why are we bothering with this post?
Well, this source, my friends, is essentially the outline for our dear Grunkle Stan. Many of the things in this outline are very true. Even so, I contend, that with it being only an outline, there are some things left to not simply the imagination, but to change. If this is entirely what we base Stanford Pines on, then I have some questions.
Okay, as we know the mode Gravity Falls is animated, the kids' faces are typically rounded and while there are some details, they haven't quite grown into their features yet.

The teens progress a little further. They have zits and piercing and all that fun teenage stuff.

And so you have the adults. The wrinkles, the yellowed teeth, the bushy eyebrows, fifty-fifty the ears!Don't worry, Stan. You're withal a Hunkle to me.

Don't get me wrong, though. Sometimes, younger characters have more than details and older ones have less, but I'thousand trying to make a point here. As a point:

Child Stan.

Tween Stan.

Teen Stan.

Immature developed Stan, I would say maybe.. 20s-30s.

Older adult Stan, mayhap 40s.

Prison house Stan, presumably 50+.

Aaaaand hither's the Grunkle currently. Not so Youngkle anymore.
Nate, why did you testify united states a bunch of pictures we've ALREADY seen before?!
To evidence age progression, of class. Equally a kid, like all the others are blithe, he starts out with stubby lil' cheeks and moves on to bigger bellies and bushy brows.
Now, hither'south where I accept a problem. This show takes place in the summer of 2012. To exist eighty years old at that time, Stan would have needed to be born in 1932. Which of course, wouldn't have been a problem if non for a couple of fiddling gems.
The first:

Now, while our young badass is knocking out a filthy mugger, let's take a moment to examine the scene. Stan himself is wearing a elementary shirt and bow, while his lady friend is decked out in a poodle skirt. The aggressor/victim is wearing blueish jeans with a obviously white shirt, leather jacket, and hey, he's even got gelatinous-back pilus and (broken) sunglasses! If you haven't seen the movieGrease, I'll accept a moment now to tell yous this is all memorable clothing of the 1950s.
Our 2nd picayune gem:

This may be a dumb question, but practice yous knowwhy she is Carla. Hotpants. McCorkle? Because she's wearing hotpants! They were a hot detail in the 1960s that gave ascent to the modern miniskirt. Of course, Stan is wearing the 1950s style as previously stated, but in the episodeBoyz Crazy, he takes time to explicate that the diner he and Carla are dancing in is 50s-themed, which would explain why he's dressed upwardly and she isn't.
However, our last shining gem of truth tells united states of america this was the tardily 1960s.

Hellooooo bell bottoms, widely-recognized symbol of the 1970s. Tell me Thistle Downe isn't a screaming stereotype of this decade and I'll tell you lot yous're a liar.
Nate, just what the heck is your trouble with this?
Calm downward. I'll show yous. Recall when I said in club for Stan to exist eighty, he would've had to been born in 1932?
Well, in the 50s, Stan would have needed to exist in his twenties.

Does this look similar he's in his twenties? Zits, braces, common teen things? And over again, with less item. His brows are smaller, his face is curved, his ears are for the well-nigh part, large round things that stick out the sides of his head. They're not shaped yet.
In the 60s, THIS is where they show how Stan's become an developed.

His eyebrows are thicker, he's got a five o'clock shadow, his ears accept some definition, AND he's got a mighty fine jawline.
And of class, it progresses. Finally, you have the homo nosotros know:

Standford Pines.
My point, you enquire? The betoken I have fabricated with all this chaos in all this research?
Stan isn't fourscore, guys. He's like, in his seventies.
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